Fusione in CMC Rail

Thanks to its consolidated experience in the transport sector and its technical expertise, CMC Rail offers the possibility to develop and optimize complex metal structures through the choice of materials and assembly systems.
CMC Rail intends to implement the Clima Processor distribution network in Italy and abroad. We are looking for Partners and distributors for Clima Processor products, our precision air conditioning systems:
- Qualified partners to plan, install and provide after sale support at the customers' premises.
- General Contractors for industrial systems and communication/data centers interested in Close Control Clima Processor modular, customizable and reliable systems.
- Engineering/consulting companies looking for technologically advanced precision air conditioning solutions with low environmental impact and management costs.
A complete range of state of the art low environmental impact system for all the sizes of aircraft and telescopic boarding brigdes.
Cooling systems designed for extreme environmental conditiona and mobile installations.
We are specialized in the design/construction of mechanical structures, specific products and complete "turnkey" air conditioning systems.
Design and construction of structures for high-speed trains, regional trains, trams, subways and special vehicles
Close Control systems for data centers and technological rooms
Air conditioning group for parked airplanes and boarding bridges
Air conditioning solution for shelters and containers
CMC Rail has a strong technological vocation. For this reason the professionals who work with us are united by their technical interest and the desire to constantly seek innovative solutions, starting with the preliminary design phase, to improve the production process and the performance of the products and services offered. If this professional approach applies to you, send us your.
For cooling capacity ranges from 8.6 to 223.7 kW. Chilled water unit
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Direct expansion unit for cooling capacity from 5.4 to 95.2 kW
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Cooling capacity until 60 kW. Available in two sizes from 300 to 600mm for direct rack cooling. Water condensed and BLDC compressor versions available
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Direct expansion Close Control air conditioning air or water condensed with inverter controlled BLDC compressor.
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CM CLIMA PROCESSOR is a compact direct expansion Close Control air conditioning air or water condensed
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CN/CNC CLIMA PROCESSOR are air cooled condensing units
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Cooling capacity from 16 to 108 kW with redundant cooling also in the free cooling version and with dry cooler
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Designed for shelter e containers
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Designed for shelter e containers
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Designed for shelter e containers
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We are a company founded on achieving customer satisfaction. In the name of this value, our production cycle is designed in a flexible way, to be able to adapt to specific and different needs, from time to time. Consequently, our products can be defined as real tailor-made products. Flexibility in every area therefore, from design to production: a process of constant refinement that leads us to find, for each customer, the best production approach, attentive to changing market conditions
Transforming the production factors (raw materials, machines, work, design) into products that can be sold on the market
CMC Rail is a constantly evolving reality attentive to the market and innovation, some numbers that represent our business in 2017
CMC Rail has achieved numerous certifications with the most prestigious Certification Bodies. In the railway sector in particular, as in all high-tech sectors, it is not enough to make quality products. It is necessary to document the whole system and the production chain: Management> Organization> Production
CMC Rail events, conferences, new products and entertainment to talk and discuss the latest news, technologies and innovations in the world…
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CMC Rail s.r.l.
Via Danimarca 14/4 - 20093 Cologno Monzese (Mi) Italy
Tel:(39) 02 27.30.2430
Fax:(39) 02 25.38.038